How to Find Writing Inspiration Using Images

As a writer, or any other artist, you’re well aware that inspiration can come from almost anywhere. Sometimes ordinary things turn out to…
How to Find Writing Inspiration Using Images
Photo by Noman Shahid on Unsplash

As a writer, or any other artist, you’re well aware that inspiration can come from almost anywhere. Sometimes ordinary things turn out to be the spark of creativity you weren’t expecting and it leads to your best work. However, if you’re looking to add a new dimension to your writing process, using images can be a great source of fresh inspiration.

Here’s how to find that inspiration:

1. Utilize websites like Unsplash.
Start your journey by using a visual search engine. This is like a public photo dump of fantastic photographs taken from all different types of people. Personally I use Unsplash, which is a common tool built into many writing-centered websites like Medium. However, other websites like Pinterest or even Google Images can be used as well.

2. Create a mood board.
While you find yourself scrolling through endless pages of images, look for a particular theme or pattern that can help inspire the story you’re trying to tell. For example, if I want to write a story that involves a town with cobblestone roads and a rainstorm problem, then I’m going to look through street photography with rain.
Once you’ve collected a few images that speak to you, crack open Photoshop or Canva. Take each image and scatter them throughout a blank canvas as you contemplate the plot for your story.

3. Study in detail.
Once you have your collected images, take some time to study what you’re looking at. For example, I’ve taken on the task of writing a small snippet on the back of postcards. Each postcard has a detailed picture of a bookstore somewhere in the world. This particular one in my hand shows a mountain of books surrounding an orange ladder. What could that signify? Change? Work in progress? The ideas are only limited by my very imagination.

4. Prompts are your friend.
If you’re still feeling stuck, try and find writing prompts based on images. A simple Google search will pop up with ideas for you to explore.

5. Keep a collection of images.
To prepare for any future writing blocks, keep a digital folder or print out some images that speak to you. Refer to them on days you feel nothing comes to mind. You may be surprised at how much can be inspired by just a single image.

Incorporating images into your writing process can add depth and dimension to your work. Don’t be afraid to get creative and try new things. Combine your love of writing with beautiful photography. As stated in a previous blog post, “art begets more art” — and nothing is more true than the addition of images to spark creativity. Remember, inspiration can come from anywhere and images are one of those sources that can help lead you to your next great piece of writing.

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